When planets (mis)align…

So, I always find it funny how we can stumble across things when we’re feeling a certain way that add so much clarity and perspective to a situation! I had QUITE a day yesterday…like seriously, I was raging mad and couldn’t really figure out WHY?! I was actually mean to people I spoke to (like feel bad about it afterwards kind of mean – actually, still feel bad about it kind of mean) and just kind of hated everyone and everything. This is pretty out of character for me, so I didn’t particularly enjoy the way I was feeling, and of course not really knowing what the hell was wrong with me didn’t help either!

Anywayyyyyyys, I came across this article today and a light bulb just kind of went off! I will give you a head’s up that I’m pretty into spiritual stuff (which I’ve mentioned on here before), so when I saw the title of this article I was like hmmmmmmmmmm, this seems like something that I need to read NOW lol. I have two words for you…mercury retrograde. The article is called How to Survive Mercury Retrograde by Gala Darling, and it was so so interesting (seriously, click and read it!)!!

I won’t get into a ton of detail, because it’s seriously laid out so well in what Gala Darling wrote, but I will say the most fascinating part of the article for me was that apparently mercury retrograde affects Virgos (like me!) a TON because we’re ruled by the planet mercury…who knew?! For those of you who want the ‘Coles Notes’ about what the heck I’m talking about, here you go:

  • Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel
  • When the planet goes retrograde, all of these things go retrograde as well, aka get super effed up
  • Apparently even people who don’t believe in “this stuff” believe in the effects of mercury retrograde
  • It happens for a few weeks, several times a year – current phase runs Jan. 5-25th, 2016
  • What happens? Basically everyone goes mental lol! Confusion, inability to communicate with others (hello!!), arguments ensue, technology goes on the fritz, travel plans fail, etc.
  • Can provide us the opportunity to move back spiritually and re-examine things so we can move forward into a bright, fresh start (love this!!)
  • Terrific time to tie up loose ends
  • Overall advice for how best to deal with it? Go with the flow 😉

So yeah, bottom line? Maybe stay away from me until January 25th…kidding, kidding! Actually, the article gives great advice for working through mercury retrograde in a positive way, and so I think I’ll focus on the “moving forward into a bright new dawn” part personally 🙂 always better to work towards the good stuff (after you get through the rage-y feelings anyways lol), right?! XO
